Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the modeling industry?

Hello, my name is Sabina Adilkulova. I was born in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, in the beautiful city Almaty. My current home is Dubai. I have 2 degrees: Pedagogics and International Law. I am a coach of catwalk, posing and etiquette. Also International fashion model and my modeling experience is more than 10 years in France, Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates. Participated in 3 International Beauty Contests. Winner of the title "Miss Asia 2013". The winner of the beauty and style contest of Vintage Kazakhstan Magazine. I have organized the Kazakhstan competition for young designers "Best Dress of Kazakhstan 2014", and the national beauty contest for men "Mister Kazakhstan 2015" and also organized a private fashion show for the most successful women of Kazakhstan.   10 years ago I decided to do some professional photos and participated in one photo project where the Director of agency proposed that I join her agency, because of my skills and good performance at the shooting, however it was my first shooting experience with many photographers. Then after one month I was selected to participate in a beauty contest where I was nominated as a Miss Asia 2013.

What inspired you to become a model, and how did you make your way into the industry?

When I got the title Miss Asia 2013 a few best agencies of my country asked me to sign the contract with them and I became a model and started my career. I extremely  love  to do runways and fashion shoots. When I am at the podium (fashion shows) I feel like nothing exists but only at this moment, I feel like time is endless and the universe is in me. I don't think about any problems. 

How have you seen the modeling industry evolve during your career, and what trends do you think will shape its future?

In these 10 years, especially in Kazakhstan, the modeling industry has evolved in a good way. Now people are open to the new trends and any kind of fashion, it used to be abnormal and wild to some of conservative people. But nowadays it is a good and bright part of our modern life. In an international way it became more different and unlimited in a good way. Which gave an opportunity to many people who dreamed about a modeling career, it is great, now we have different models of all ages and any shapes, sizes of body. Body positivity and trends of unusual beauty are the best ways of showing people all over the world how to accept God's unique creations-different people. 

Could you share some challenges you've faced as a model and how you overcame them?

I used to have many insecurities and doubts that I have started my modeling career very late and it really bothered me. But then I did a lot of work to increase my self-esteem and understood that everything is in my hands. I just have to continue doing what really makes me happy and inspires me.

What advice would you give to someone looking to break into the world of modeling?

Be yourself, without any masks, be open to new interests, hobbies and art. Be a part of the creativity of this beautiful world. Be nice to people, down to earth and genuinely kind. These are the keys of the modeling world and in general as well.  

To be bold, smart, kind, brave enough to take and reach your goals.

What do you believe are the key attributes that set a successful model apart from others?

What are some beauty and skincare routines you follow to ensure you're always camera-ready?

Good sleep, healthy food, daily skin care which fits your skin type, hydration, nice basic makeup and positive thoughts. :)

Can you share any fitness or diet tips that help you maintain your physique for modeling assignments?

I do not like any diets and am against them, because the body should have all the elements and vitamins which give us the energy, just better to know the limits. Find your own type of sport, which fits your temper and you will be passionate about it. Less stress, more things to do to enjoy life.

How do you typically prepare yourself mentally and physically before a photo shoot or runway show?

I just love it and I am always ready! :)

How do you approach posing and expressing different emotions during a photo shoot?

I am inspired by the best model's covers, works and music that always helps me.

What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your experiences as a model that you'd like to pass on to newcomers?

Learn something new every day,  practice posing and catwalk in front of the mirror, try new beautiful things and places to stay alive and get inspired. Never compare yourself with anyone but only you 2-5 years ago. 

How do you collaborate with photographers, makeup artists, and stylists to achieve the desired visual outcome?

I usually ask what exactly they want to get, what kind of emotions, poses or vibe they need, if they have any references, just good communication.

What goes on behind the scenes of a photo shoot that people might not be aware of?

Preparation, vibes, hard work of the team, many creative people.

Confidence is crucial in the modeling industry.
How do you build and maintain your confidence both on and off the runway?

Books about people, sessions with psychologist, love and respect to myself and other people and the main fact that everyone in this life is an important part of this Universe. Everyone is a unique diamond.  

How do you deal with criticism and negative feedback, and what advice would you offer to models struggling with self-esteem issues?

Start to learn yourself, what do you like and what you do not like, how do you want to be treated. Then you will know what is ok and not ok to do with you. Just keep in mind that what people say is usually about themselves and their insecurities. Nothing about you. Do not pay attention to negativity. Only we know who we are. And only we are responsible for our emotions. It takes time and some life experience to get all of it. 

How do you manage your time and strike a balance between your personal life and modeling commitments?

I am a proactive person, that's why it is easy to be more well organized in both commitments for me. I always remember that I have to take care of myself and appreciate precious time with my family and loved ones.  Everything needs balance in life.

Diversity and representation are significant topics in today's world. 
How do you see the modeling industry evolving to become more inclusive?

It is a great opportunity to let models be themselves and not copy anyone. It gives a good example to people that it is ok to be different, that beauty is in every single person. 

What are your aspirations for your modeling career in the coming years?

To become a world wild successful model and open my own school where I can help kids and adults to build self-esteem and to be more beautiful inside and out. 

Are there any other creative pursuits or projects you're involved in, alongside your modeling career?

I am creating my own program for my school. I do some paintings and write poetry sometimes. 

Beauty is something special that was given to us by nature, God or Creator. It is something natural and within some ingredients as a harmony, power, energy, uniqueness and kindness. I will answer this question with the quote of the Greatest Sufi mystic and my favorite poet  Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, or simply Rumi: "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."  

How do you define beauty, and how has your perspective on beauty evolved throughout your modeling journey?

What message or advice would you like to convey to your fans and followers who look up to you as a role model?

Everything starts with you and only you are responsible for your life. Start to live now, be grateful for everything you have and start to be happy with simple things. Also a good sense of humor or positivity will help you to carry yourself proudly and continue our life journey even in difficult days. 


