The Importance of Words

Why You Should Speak to Your Children as the Wisest, Kindest, and Most Beautiful People

Our words hold immense power, especially when we speak to our children. The way we communicate with them can profoundly shape their self-perception and behavior. The saying, "Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, and most beautiful humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become," captures a deep truth about the psychological and emotional development of children.

Self-Esteem and Self-Perception

Children are like sponges; they absorb everything around them, particularly the words and actions of their parents. When we consistently tell them how smart, kind, and beautiful they are, we positively influence their self-esteem. Children raised with positive affirmations develop strong self-confidence and a healthy self-image. They are more likely to take on challenges and trust in their abilities.

The Importance of Words

The words we choose have a profound impact. Negative or critical words can undermine a child's confidence, making them feel inadequate. Conversely, positive words and encouragement can help a child believe in themselves and feel valued. It’s not about giving children unrealistic expectations but about highlighting their positive traits and encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Encouraging Empathy and Kindness

When we treat children as the kindest people and acknowledge their kindness, we foster a culture of empathy and compassion. Children raised with empathy and understanding learn to practice these values in their interactions with others. By emphasizing their positive qualities, we inspire them to exhibit these traits in their relationships.

Long-Term Effects

In the long run, the way we speak to our children can shape their character and outlook on life. Children who receive positive reinforcement and encouragement often develop an optimistic attitude and are better equipped to handle setbacks. They grow into adults who believe in their abilities and maintain a positive approach to life.

Practical Tips for Parents

  • Conscious Communication: Be mindful of your words and the messages you convey. Remember that your words leave a lasting impression.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child for their efforts and achievements. Highlight their strengths and encourage them to keep going.

  • Active Listening: Listen attentively to your child and take their feelings and thoughts seriously. This shows that you respect and value them.

  • Role Modeling: Be a role model of kindness and wisdom. Children learn by imitation, and your actions often speak louder than words.


The way we speak to our children is crucial to their development. By seeing them as the wisest, kindest, and most beautiful people and speaking to them accordingly, we lay the foundation for healthy self-esteem, empathy, and a positive outlook on life. Our words have the power to shape our children's lives profoundly – let’s use that power wisely and lovingly.


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