"From nothing to something, my life's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-belief, persistent dreams, and unwavering determination. Where you're from matters little; it's where you aspire to go that truly defines your path. Reflecting on my past in Baghdad, where life seemed void of perspective, I am humbled by the realization that, just 14 years ago, the idea of being here in Germany felt like an unimaginable dream. Gratitude fills my heart as I embrace the incredible journey, reminding us all to believe in ourselves, dream big, and remain ever thankful for the remarkable places life can take us."

David Dawood

I was born in the vibrant city of Baghdad, amidst the challenging backdrop of war and the resilience of dreaming big. My journey led me to Syria at the age of 10 and eventually to Germany at the age of 13, shaping the diverse cultural tapestry that influences the aesthetic of MORY MONT.

Where are you from?

I wear many hats; I am not only the founder and creative force behind MORY MONT but also a DJ. My journey, born amidst the chaos of conflict, has led me to the realms of fashion and music, where I find expression for the symphony of my experiences. 

What is your profession?

How did the founding of MORY MONT come about, and what was your inspiration behind it?

MORY MONT was conceived from a shared love for the aesthetically appealing 70's and 80's. Ahmed Rada and I, as co-founders, envisioned a brand that acts as a melting pot between past and present, offering designs that are not just fashionable but also emotionally resonate with our community.

How would you like people to feel when wearing MORY MONT, and what message do you aim to convey?

Wearing MORY MONT should evoke a sense of connection to the past while embracing the present. We want individuals to feel a blend of nostalgia and modernity, as each piece carries a story that resonates with the community-driven ethos of our brand.

How does your personal aesthetic reflect in the designs of your brand?

My personal aesthetic, shaped by the diverse cultural influences of my journey from Baghdad to Germany, is intricately woven into the designs of MORY MONT. Each piece reflects not only the timeless chic of the 70's and 80's but also the resilience and adaptability born from a life in transit.

How important is collaboration with other creatives, whether within the fashion industry or beyond?

Collaboration is integral to my creative process. Whether in the world of fashion or music, working with other creatives enriches the narrative, infusing fresh perspectives and contributing to the dynamic fusion that defines MORY MONT.

The creative process for MORY MONT is a harmonious dance between cultural influences and personal experiences. Drawing inspiration from the echoes of war, the vibrancy of Baghdad and the opportunities in Germany, each collection tells a story of resilience, creativity, and dreams. Our designs are a testament to the synergy that arises from our shared creative journey.

Can you share a bit about the creative process when designing new collections for MORY MONT?

What is your favorite piece that you have created?

If I had to choose a favorite, it would undoubtedly be the La Pera Amara Tracksuits in tobacco green. This particular piece holds a special place in my heart as it draws inspiration from the iconic world of "The Sopranos." My affinity for old classic films and the timeless aesthetic of the 70's and 80's coalesce in this design, creating a garment that embodies the essence of MORY MONT - a fusion of cinematic nostalgia and contemporary style.

In the fast-evolving fashion world, the challenge is to balance innovation with authenticity. MORY MONT, co-founded by Ahmed Rada and myself, addresses this challenge by staying true to our roots while exploring new horizons, ensuring our designs are not just fashionable but also emotionally resonant.

What challenges do you see in today's fashion world?

A day in my life is a harmonious blend of creativity, connection, and personal well-being. Mornings often begin with meditation and yoga, setting a mindful tone for the day ahead. These practices not only center me but also contribute to the clarity and focus I bring to the creative process at MORY MONT. After grounding myself through meditation and yoga, I delve into the intricate world of fashion, working closely with my dedicated team to bring MORY MONT's vision to life. The collaborative energy within the team fuels our collective passion for creating a brand that resonates emotionally with our community. In the midst of a dynamic workday, I make time for a break to delve into the pages of a good book. Reading provides a mental escape and adds layers to my creative perspective. It's a cherished ritual that allows me to explore different worlds and ideas. Evenings are often reserved for family time, sharing stories and laughter. My day is punctuated with moments of self-care and rejuvenation, whether it's cycling through nature, enjoying a cup of coffee, practicing yoga, or diving into a captivating book. This holistic approach to life, integrating creativity, business, and personal well-being, defines the rhythm of my days at MORY MONT.

How does a day in your life look like?

Coolest Place: Paris, particularly during fashion week, holds a special place in my heart. It's where the magic of fashion unfolds, and connections are forged amid the elegance of this captivating city. Exploring Paris with my friends and team adds an extra layer of joy to the experience.

What is the coolest event and place you have been to, and what’s next?

Looking forward, the anticipation of the next coolest event in this fashion capital remains an exciting prospect. It's a continuation of my journey, where I not only immerse myself in the shows but also connect with my favorite designers and friends who contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the fashion world. These moments of shared creativity and celebration fuel my passion and inspire the next chapters of my journey in the heart of Paris.

What's next?


