It is a pleasure to present YASPIS brand and its ideas and values to the audience of ÉLEVER 1.

And I am proud to say that I am originally from Ukraine — I grew up in a town called Cherkasy.

Later on, I became a model and started to travel a lot around the globe, seeing the fashion world from inside out. At that stage the idea of creating something big for the fashion arena was already within my head and it was so clear that it will become reality.

All the inspiration, which the best designers could give out to the world, was thoughtfully and carefully collected in my mind, where more and more clear image of what my brand should be was arising.

Where are you from?

In the university I studied linguistics because it would allow me to meet and communicate with people from different countries. Also, I believe, that learning different languages make us more open minded as through the way of speaking we can get to know other cultural peculiarities.
The knowledge of foreign languages made it easy for me to find common ground and make friendly connections worldwide.

Then, at a certain stage my attention has been pointed into self-awareness and development, or, better, getting to know my true self. Growing spiritually and unfolding a conscious approach to everything through meditations and yoga allows people to clarify what is needed and what they really want in life.
That’s what happened to me as well — I learned my purpose and used all the tools to meet it.
Being a founder of 2 companies, one of which is YASPIS, and the second one is Organization 108 — an educational organization, featuring diverse self-empowerment courses in 108org App, it is not an easy journey, though it gives a lot of positive experience, as both of them are made to cover peoples’ needs: of beauty and education.

What is your profession?

What is your favorite piece that you have created?

That’s a good question — hard one for a creative person — but it is never bad to clearly understand what your heart leans toward.
The pieces I like the most are the whole range of Cerulean pieces — deep blue and white gradients recall the idea of the water element —changeable, fluid and mild.
That’s what balances me a lot, as I a have a lot of strength and fire
in my character, but wearing cerulean YASPIS items, makes me softer, more gentle.

What are your goals?

YASPIS team and I are very ambitious, having as a main goal to dress the most famous celebrities with our pieces — and we believe everything is real. Once YASPIS will become as known and as praised as other high end fashion brands. My biggest inspiration and creativity level reference is Demna, Balenciaga’s creative director, — his ideological way of thinking is what all people should learn from. Another important target YASPIS is leaning toward is to create clothing items that will become recognizable as brand signatures and revolutionize the world of fashion. Goosebumps, when thinking of that!

What is your inspiration?

Although I already mentioned Demna, I don’t really stuck to someone’s creations when it comes to make something for YASPIS. The biggest inspiration all humans have access to is nature —the balance of all the elements, its diversity and its boldness.

Also, what inspires me personally, is people who believe in what they do and promote their own ideas and visions (not always popular, but true and genuine). There are no tools which provide more encouragement than knowing that everything is possible as long as we totally believe in it and send our attention and energy to it.

But when we talk about the fashion world and inspiration I take from there, my favorite brands to seek a dash of inspiration from are Jean Paul Gaultier, Dior and Prada.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

It may sound strange, but I would make the world of fashion slower — producing less clothes and getting rid of the fast fashion approach. Trends are cool, but what is more important are ideas, values and, of course, personalities, developing these ideas and values. I am not a fan of buying useless clothes, though there is a vast variety of items in my wardrobe. They are all very special and it is a whole journey to create new looks using different accessories, highlighting details and adding some fresh vision to the same piece. People forget that fashion is another part of the production industry, having all the drawbacks for the environmental situation, especially when it is made in a fast manner and without respecting nature.

What is next for you?

Mostly focusing on making YASPIS showcase on the fashion arena worldwide and developing the network of celebrities stylists, with whom we keep in touch and supply our brand pieces for their looks, is the best strategy for the uprising brand YASPIS.
And the next showcase will be probably NYFW, which I am really excited about.
Fingers crossed for us to be there!

More news will be announced soon on our social media, so do not hesitate to follow us and see our progress.


