Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the modeling industry?

Hi, I’m Laith Orij and I live in Dubai. I’ve been a musician for more than 12 years, playing piano, guitar, and singing. Music helped me stay strong during my tough time in Syria and gave me hope to chase my dreams. It also led me to appreciate art, including modeling. I’ve always liked being in front of a camera, and that’s why I got into modeling. My modeling journey started in March 2023 when I auditioned for Dubai Fashion Week, the best in the Middle East. Even though it was my first time trying out for a runway show, it felt familiar and I was confident. I got chosen to walk for 6 designers like AMATO and Michael Cinco. Modeling is a way for me to express myself and my creativity. I’ve learned a lot from doing photoshoots, runway shows, and working with other talented people. Modeling lets me show emotions, ideas, and trends through pictures, and I’m excited to keep growing in this field.

What inspired you to become a model, and how did you make your way into the industry?

I was always captivated by the world of fashion, art, and self expression. The ability of models to embody different personas and narratives fascinated me. This fascination, coupled with my appreciation for aesthetics, inspired me to explore modeling as a creative outlet. As for making my way into the industry, it began with building a strong portfolio and networking within the fashion community. Attending casting calls, connecting with photographers, and collaborating with designers allowed me to gain valuable experience and exposure. Ultimately, my passion and dedication led me to forge a path in the modeling world that I'm truly proud of.

How have you seen the modeling industry evolve during your career, and what trends do you think will shape its future?

Over the course of my career, I’ve witnessed remarkable shifts within the modeling industry. One of the most striking changes has been the industry’s move towards greater inclusivity and authenticity. Models now come in a diverse array of body sizes, ethnic backgrounds, and gender identities, reflecting a more realistic and relatable portrayal of beauty. Additionally, the rise of social media has revolutionized how models connect with their audience, enabling them to establish personal brands and engage directly with followers.

Could you share some challenges you've faced as a model and how you overcame them?

Being a model comes with its share of challenges. One significant challenge I’ve encountered is maintaining a balanced lifestyle. The demands of a busy schedule can take a toll on physical and mental well being. To overcome this, I’ve prioritized self care routines, including exercise, meditation, and healthy eating. It’s crucial to find a routine that works for me and allows me to stay energized and focused.

Another challenge has been dealing with rejection in auditions and casting calls. It’s important to remember that rejection is a natural part of the industry and doesn’t define my worth as a model. I’ve learned to view rejection as an opportunity for growth, using feedback to refine my skills and presentation.

Lastly, fostering a strong support network has been vital. Connecting with fellow models, industry professionals, and mentors has provided valuable advice and a sense of community. By sharing experiences and insights, we’ve helped each other navigate challenges and celebrate successes.

What advice would you give to someone looking to break into the world of modeling?

For anyone aspiring to break into the world of modeling, I’d offer a few pieces of advice based on my own journey:

1.  Build Your Portfolio: Gather good photos showing your skills.

2. Connect and Learn: Meet experts, go to events, and learn from others.

3. Stay Strong: Rejections happen; use them to grow.

4. Be Pro: Be on time, work well, impress clients.

5. Be You: Your unique qualities matter, diversity is great.

6. Be Real: Stay true to yourself, that’s what matters.

7. Stay Healthy: Take care of yourself for confidence.

8. Keep Learning: Stay curious, adapt to new stuff.

What do you believe are the key attributes that set a successful model apart from others?

Key attributes that set a successful model apart include professionalism, adaptability, confidence, versatility, a strong work ethic, positivity, interpersonal skills, a healthy lifestyle, a unique personality, and continuous learning. These qualities contribute to a model’s success by enhancing their marketability, impact, and reputation in the industry.

How do you typically prepare yourself mentally and physically before a photo shoot or runway show?

Preparing for a photo shoot or runway show involves both mental and physical readiness. Mentally, I focus on visualization techniques to envision the desired outcome and boost my confidence. I also remind myself of past successes to reinforce a positive mindset. Physically, I ensure I’m well-rested, hydrated, and fueled with nutritious food. I practice relaxing breathing exercises to manage any nerves. Additionally, I review the concept or choreography to feel more comfortable and prepared on set or the runway. Overall, the combination of mental and physical preparation helps me approach each assignment with poise and enthusiasm.

How do you approach posing and expressing different emotions during a photo shoot?

Posing and expressing emotions during a photo shoot involve a combination of creativity, communication, and intuition. I collaborate closely with photographers to understand the mood and concept they’re aiming to convey. Before the shoot, I research and practice various poses that align with the theme. During the session, I focus on evoking genuine emotions by recalling personal experiences or connecting with the character I’m portraying. It’s important to be adaptable and open to the photographer’s guidance while also infusing my own unique style. Clear communication and experimentation contribute to capturing the desired emotions effectively, resulting in compelling and authentic shots.

Could you give us insights into how you adapt to different types of modeling, such as editorial, commercial, or runway?

Adapting in modeling means knowing what each style needs. In editorials, I tell stories with poses and expressions. In commercials, I’m friendly to connect with everyone. On the runway, I bring a designer’s idea to life with confidence. Being versatile is key, I learn details, practice, and add my touch. This helps me succeed in many types of modeling.

What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your experiences as a model that you'd like to pass on to newcomers?

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned as a model is to embrace the journey and prioritize personal growth. In an industry that can be competitive and unpredictable, it’s essential to focus on continuous learning and improvement rather than just chasing quick success. Every audition, shoot, and setback offers an opportunity to learn, evolve, and refine your craft. This mindset not only strengthens your skills but also helps you stay grounded and resilient. By valuing the process as much as the outcome, you’ll find fulfillment and satisfaction in your modeling career, regardless of the challenges you encounter.

What goes on behind the scenes of a photo shoot that people might not be aware of?

Behind a photo shoot, much intricate planning and coordination occur. Teams collaborate on outfits, lighting, and poses. Models swiftly change looks, makeup is touched up, and constant adjustments are made. The result is a collective effort, culminating in the captivating images people see.

Confidence is crucial in the modeling industry.
How do you build and maintain your confidence both on and off the runway?

Confidence is really important in modeling. To build and keep my confidence, I focus on my strengths and practice my poses. I also stay updated on what’s happening in the industry. Doing exercises and thinking positively help me feel sure of myself. When I’m not working, I do mindfulness and spend time with supportive friends. This mix of believing in myself, getting ready, and taking care of myself keeps me confident both on and off the runway.

How do you deal with criticism and negative feedback, and what advice would you offer to models struggling with self-esteem issues?

Handling criticism and bad comments needs a balanced view. I see it as a way to grow, not attack. We all face it, so it either stops us or makes us stronger.

Listening to helpful feedback to get better. If confidence is hard, remember we all have tough times. Focus on what you do best and your progress, not others. Ask mentors or friends for help. Take care of yourself, be positive, and set possible goals. Mistakes are okay, what matters is wanting to learn and do better.

What strategies do you use to network and build connections within the fashion and modeling industry?

Networking is crucial in the fashion and modeling industry. I attend industry events, fashion shows, and workshops to connect with professionals. Social media platforms help me engage with fellow models, photographers, and designers. Effective communication, whether in person or online, is key to forming genuine relationships. Collaborations on projects enhance connections and expand my network. It’s essential to be authentic, approachable, and open to learning from others. Building a strong network takes time, but it’s invaluable for opening doors and fostering opportunities in the industry.

Could you share your thoughts on the importance of maintaining a professional image and reputation as a model?

Being seen as professional and dependable is super important for models. It’s like your work ID. When you act well and do your job seriously, people trust you more. This helps you get more jobs in the future. Acting professional makes good connections and leads to more work. It’s about being a good example and working hard, which can help you have a long and successful modeling career.


