My goals are to create design and architecture that inspire people, make better experiences, and shape the world in a fascinating way.

What are your goals?

What is your inspiration?

I have always been a creative individual with a strong will and vision, inspired by the world around me. The idea of creating and developing ideas to the extent they take shape has always been the driving force to me. The desire to be the best in what I do and create impactful design and captivating spaces in a rapidly evolving world is a very strong motivation. 

We approach our design as exploration and searching for ideas while creating, trying multiple iterations since we find the desired outcome. Then the use of agent-based models and simulations help us not only test but also prove efficiency in our design strategies.

For me, a piece of great advice is that if you really want something you have to work for it and make it happen, be consistent, and follow your dreams. 

What is the best advice you have been given?

How do you approach the balance between functionality and aesthetics in your designs?

What role do sustainability and environmental considerations play in your architectural practice?

We work on implementing sustainably sourced materials in our design, pushing the use of renewable energy sources, and inviting nature to be part of our creations through the accommodation of various plant species. 

I keep myself very close to the AA School of Architecture especially the DRL course, where I follow the work of the students and their incredible talent. Furthermore, I keep an eye on the latest news in the design and technology field.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in architecture?

What advice would you give to aspiring architects who are just starting their careers?

I would say stay hungry for new skills and be eager to learn and explore. 

What is next for you?

We are building a great team at Mind Design and Dom World.

At Mind Design we are launching soon a product design series where we will present unique high-end design pieces.

At Dom World, we are working on a phygital space where the creative society can share ideas, play, learn, and educate.


